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KN5 Road, Remera Kigali RWANDA.

Mount Bisoke
Mount Bisoke (also Visoke) is an active volcano in the Virunga Mountains of the Albertine Rift, the western branch of the East African Rift. It straddles the border of Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but the summit is located in Rwanda

 thousand hills
Why Rwanda is called the land of a thousand hills and mountains, it’s amazing for this scenic little country. The mountains are more magnificent than that of Virunga volcanoes in the northwest and in the bamboo forests in the world’s last mountain Gorillas in the world.

Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda is famous for Gorilla Trekking Safaris and Golden Monkey Tours. Rwanda Gorilla Safaris and Tours are the most thrilling activities for any tourist on an African Holiday Safari. Most of the Gorilla Tours in Rwanda affordably offered by Car Rental Self-drive usually involve Gorilla Trekking, Chimps Tours, Nature Walks, Wildlife Safaris, Golden Monkey Treks, Dian Fossey Hiking, and genocide memorial tours among others.  These are the major safari activities that Rwanda, the ‘Land of 1000 Hills’ offers. Besides Rwanda, we offer several Uganda Safaris and Tours to all the country’s attractions. Our Safaris range from one day to over ten days based on one’s safari preferences.

2 Day Gorilla Trek in Mgahinga, Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park: This is one of Rwanda’s most popular tourist destinations, known for its population of endangered mountain gorillas. With a 4×4 safari vehicle, you can embark on a thrilling gorilla trekking adventure and get up close with these majestic creatures.

Hike the Bisoke Volcano

For adventure lovers, the Mount Bisoke hike should be included on your bucket list in Rwanda. Situated in the northwestern part of Rwanda, Bisoke Volcano is the easiest Volcano to trek among the eight Virunga volcanoes. It starts with a briefing at the park headquarters in Kinigi and later starts the hike up to the top.

Standing at 3700m, this volcano with its typical conic shape enchants adventurers with its deep crater lake at the top. Mount Bisoke hike is a 6-hour adventure including four hours for ascending and two hours for descending. For experienced hikers can do it in less than six hours including three hours for ascending and one hour for descending. The trails to the top wind through various vegetation habitats that include bamboo forests, Hypericum forests, and Lobelia bushes. The trek reveals plenty of Wildlife species en route embodying primates, insects, reptiles, and varied bird species.

All those hoping to be part of the hike are expected to be at the park headquarters in time. At exactly 7:00 am the briefing starts and after you will be assigned to a ranger guide. After briefing, the adventure starts at 8:00 a.m. Do not forget to hire a porter who will carry your luggage up to the top. The cost of hiking Mount Bisoke is $75 USD per person. This fee is inclusive of the park entry and the ranger fee. This permit is purchased on arrival, with no advance booking. For transportation from Kigali, we recommend that you book with a local tour operator and you will receive impeccable services that are worth your money.

Don’t miss the chance to come face-to-face with gorillas in Rwanda at the Volcanoes National Park. A visit to the park to see gorillas and other attractions in the country makes Rwanda a country worth a holiday tour. Look at the various safari packages for a lifetime opportunity to watch Mountain Gorillas. More to explore in this beautiful country referred to as the “Land of a Thousand Hills” Almost every corner of Rwanda has meandering roads that offer another fantastic view of mountains, lakes, and hills. Rwanda’s biggest draw is the opportunity to track mountain gorillas.

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